
西红柿牛肉的家常做法 >> 正文 >


内容导读:  我们的祖国虽然资源、物产比较丰富。可是,你知道吗?光光这些都还不够,更重要的是要注重环保!  Although our motherland is rich in resources, products. But, you know? Only these are not enough, it is


  Although our motherland is rich in resources, products. But, you know? Only these are not enough, it is more important to pay attention to environmental protection!


  I think, the government should take to promote environmental protection, actively participate in the environmental protection work, make a contribution to protecting the environment, organization of environmental protection is the key. You say, yes?


  First of all, should tell the people, pay attention to every green thing, to do environmental protection work, do not readily throw garbage, garbag治疗癫痫那里好e to pick up see. Secondly, to throw the waste batteries which to solve the problem, should put this thing to do better in some places put some recycling waste batteries, cylindrical, every day there are responsible for people to get. In this way, whether it is to live in the remote areas, or in the bustling place, can be very convenient to the handling of used batteries, and it won‘t happen again and people don‘t know how to deal with the waste batteries, waste batteries thrown in the garbage again. Finally, the government should increase a environmental protection worker job, let more people involved in environmental protection work!


  To be environmentally friendly, action!

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