
西红柿牛肉的家常做法 >> 正文 >


2014-05-14 18:28


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本作文是关于小学三年级250字的作文,题目为:《The Mischievous Wind》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。

The Mischievous Wind
Look! The mischievous wind is coming. It first blows through the clouds, and then it plays between the trees happily. It gives coolness to the passerbys; it wakes up the little sleeping animals; it makes many pieces of wonderful music with the leaves tog癫痫病天津哪家医院好ether.
But not long after, it takes back its happiness. Then it sometimes tores, sometimes takes frantic flights into the air and sometimes blows the plants. It vents its human on the signs, windows, doors and so on. And it makes big noises.
At 贵阳癫痫三甲医院last, it becomes calm, and everything returns to normal. The mischievous wind begins its new journey again.
Look! How mischievous the wind is!

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