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绝命毒师(Breaking Bad) 第4季 第06集 第03期_绝命毒师(Breaking Bad) 第4季

好了 不说了 Okay, we‘re done here.

误入歧途而至于身不由己 Roped into working for--

不能收手 Unable to even quit?

沃尔特 那是你亲口说的 You told me that yourself, Walt.

我到底是怎么想的 Jesus, what was I thinking?

沃尔特 求你了 Walt, please.

我们俩 Let‘s both of us

都别为这整件事争个不停了 stop trying to justify this whole thing

只要承认你有危险就好 and admit you‘re in danger.

你在跟谁说话呢 Who are you talking to right now?

你面前站着的是什么人 你知道吗 Who is it you think you see?

你知道我一年赚多少吗 Do you know how much I make a year?

即使我告诉你 你也不会相信 I mean, even if I told you, you wouldn‘t believe it.

你知道我突然半途而废 Do you know what would happen

会有什么下场吗 if I suddenly decided to stop going in to work?

一桩足以登上 A business big enough

纳斯达克席位的大买卖 that it could be listed on the NASDAQ

会破产 瞬间消失 goes belly-up, disappears.

没有我这生意就黄了 不行 It ceases to exist without me. No.

你显然不知道你在跟谁说话 You clearly don‘t know who you‘re talking to,

所以我来给你点提示吧 so let me clue you in.

我没有危险 斯凯勒 I am not in danger, Skyler.

我就是个危险人物 I am the danger.

坐以待毙 A guy opens his door and gets shot,

你这么小看我吗 and you think that of me?

不 No.

我是给别人吃枪子的人 I am the one who knocks.

听着 我... Look, I was--

斯凯勒 Skyler?

看吧 Here we are.

和你离职时一模一样 Just like you left it.

你的漂亮老婆呢 And where is your pretty wife?

她还有其它生意要照看 She has other business to attend to.

照我之前和她说的 Well, like I say to her,

不增不减 明白吗 place is as is. Understand?

是 我明白 Yes, I understand.

好 好 Good. Good.

我可不想她回来又要加条件 I don‘t want her coming back with more demands.

她砍价的时候可没让我好过 She-- She gave me hard time when we settled on price.

博格丹 我们达成一致了 We‘re all on the same page, Bogdan.

你要的全在这里 So here‘s everything you need.

我这儿手续齐全 I keep very good files.

谢谢 Thank you.

你现在是老板了 So you are the boss now, huh?

你准备好了吗 You think you‘re ready?

我想是吧 Yes, I-- I think so.

当老板要强硬 Being boss is tough.

我知道你觉得我之前在为难你们 I know you think I was hard on you,

但你以后会理解的 but you‘ll learn.

当家不易 Being in charge is not easy.

需要吃苦耐劳 It takes hard work.

你已经见过我工作卖力了 博格丹 You‘ve seen me work hard, Bogdan.

是吗 我不确定 Yeah? I don‘t know.

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