发布时间:2022-04-29 16:14:00
2013-03-14 12:55
【 liuxue86.com - 英语作文 】
there is no consensus of opinion among people as to whether firecrackers should be banned or not.some people are of the view that firecrackers should be agreed with,while some people take an oppos乌鲁木齐最好癫痫医院ite stand,firmly believing that firecrackers should be banned.
people who agree with firecrackers hold that letting off firecrackers can bring people delight feeling.they also claim that firecrackers represent happy things and they should be let off as a traditional way in spectial days.
nevertheless,the other people who antend banning firecrackers argue that letting off firecrackers not only makes noisy but also shaply increase air pollution.they also point out that firecrackers are such dangeroous that do harm to humans‘safty.
from my viewpoint,the latter opinion hold more weight.for one thing,letting off firecrackers can be insteaded of by another way.therefore,i think firecrackers should be banned.
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